Source code for ebuildtester.docker

import os
import re
import sys
import subprocess

import ebuildtester.options as options
from ebuildtester.utils import massage_string

[docs]class ExecuteFailure(Exception): """Failure to execute command.""" pass
[docs]class Docker: """The Docker class.""" def __init__(self, local_portage, overlay_dirs): """Create a new container.""" docker_image = options.options.docker_image repo_names = self._get_repo_names(overlay_dirs) overlay_mountpoints = [os.path.join("/var/lib/overlays", r) for r in repo_names] self._setup_container(docker_image) self._create_container(docker_image, local_portage, zip(overlay_dirs, overlay_mountpoints)) self._start_container() self._set_profile() self._enable_global_use() self._tweak_settings() self._enable_overlays(repo_names) self._enable_test() self._unmask_atom() self._unmask() self._update() self._install_basics() self._set_gcc() self._print_summary()
[docs] def execute(self, cmd): """Execute command in container. cmd is a list of strings or a simple string with a command that is executed within a bash shell. """ if isinstance(cmd, list): cmd_string = ' '.join(cmd) else: cmd_string = cmd"%s %s", self.cid[:6], cmd) docker_cmd = options.options.docker_command + ["exec", "--interactive"] docker_cmd += [self.cid, "/bin/bash"] docker = subprocess.Popen(docker_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) docker.stdin.write(cmd_string + "\n") docker.stdin.close() stdout_reader = os.fork() if stdout_reader == 0: try: self._reader(docker, docker.stdout, "stdout") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass sys.exit(0) stderr_reader = os.fork() if stderr_reader == 0: try: self._reader(docker, docker.stderr, "stderr") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass sys.exit(0) try: os.waitid(os.P_PID, stdout_reader, os.WEXITED) os.waitid(os.P_PID, stderr_reader, os.WEXITED) docker.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: try:"received keyboard interrupt") docker.terminate()"return from shell, initiating shutdown") self.cleanup() sys.exit(0) except OSError: pass docker.wait() if docker.returncode != 0: options.log.error("running in container %s" % (str(self.cid))) options.log.error("failed command \"%s\"" % (cmd))
[docs] def shell(self): """Run an interactive shell in container.""""running interactive shell in container") docker = subprocess.Popen(options.options.docker_command + ["exec", "--tty", "--interactive", self.cid, "/bin/bash"]) try: docker.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt:"ignoring keyboard interrupt")
[docs] def cleanup(self): """Clean up.""" if options.options.rm: self.remove()
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove the docker container.""""stopping container") docker = subprocess.Popen(options.options.docker_command + ["kill", self.cid]) docker.wait()"deleting container") docker = subprocess.Popen(options.options.docker_command + ["rm", self.cid]) docker.wait()
def _reader(self, proc, stream, name): """Read from a subprocess stream.""" while True: out = stream.readline() if out == "" and proc.poll() is not None: break"%s (%s): %s" % (self.cid[:6], name, out.rstrip())) options.log_ch.flush() def _setup_container(self, docker_image): """Setup the container.""" if options.options.pull: docker_args = options.options.docker_command \ + ["pull", docker_image] docker = subprocess.Popen(docker_args) docker.wait() def _create_container(self, docker_image, local_portage, overlays): """Create new container.""" docker_args = options.options.docker_command \ + ["create", "--tty", "--cap-add", "CAP_SYS_ADMIN", "--cap-add", "CAP_MKNOD", "--cap-add", "CAP_NET_ADMIN", # "--security-opt", "apparmor:unconfined", "--device", "/dev/fuse", "--workdir", "/root", "--volume", "%s:/var/db/repos/gentoo" % local_portage, "--volume", "%s/distfiles:/var/cache/distfiles" % local_portage, "--volume", "%s/packages:/var/cache/binpkgs" % local_portage] if options.options.storage_opt: for s in options.options.storage_opt: docker_args += ["--storage-opt", "%s" % s] ccache = options.options.ccache if ccache: docker_args += ["--volume=%s:/var/tmp/ccache" % ccache] for o in overlays: docker_args += ["--volume=%s:%s" % o] docker_args += [docker_image]"creating docker container with: %s" % " ".join(docker_args)) docker = subprocess.Popen(docker_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) docker.wait() if docker.returncode != 0: raise Exception("failure creating docker container") lines = docker.stdout.readlines() if len(lines) > 1: raise Exception("more output than expected") self.cid = massage_string(lines[0]).strip()"container id %s" % (self.cid)) def _start_container(self): """Start the container.""" docker_args = options.options.docker_command \ + ["start", "%s" % self.cid] docker = subprocess.Popen(docker_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) docker.wait() if docker.returncode != 0: raise Exception("failure creating docker container") def _set_profile(self): """Set the Gentoo profile.""""setting Gentoo profile to %s" % options.options.profile) self.execute("eselect profile set %s" % options.options.profile) def _tweak_settings(self): """Tweak portage settings.""""tweaking portage settings") # Disable the usersandbox feature, it's not working well inside a # docker container. self.execute( f"echo FEATURES=\\\"{' '.join(options.options.features)}\\\" " ">> /etc/portage/make.conf") self.execute(("echo MAKEOPTS=\\\"-j%d\\\" " % (options.options.threads)) + ">> /etc/portage/make.conf") if options.options.binhost: self.execute("echo PORTAGE_BINHOST=\\\"{}\\\"" ">> /etc/portage/make.conf" .format(options.options.binhost)) if options.options.unstable: self.execute("echo ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=\\\"~amd64\\\" " + ">> /etc/portage/make.conf") if options.options.with_X: self.execute("emerge --verbose gentoolkit") self.execute("euse --enable X") if options.options.python_single_target: self.execute(("echo */* PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET: %s" % (options.options.python_single_target)) + " >> /etc/portage/package.use/python") if options.options.python_targets: self.execute(("echo */* PYTHON_TARGETS: %s" % (options.options.python_targets)) + " >> /etc/portage/package.use/python") if options.options.ccache: self.execute("emerge --verbose dev-util/ccache") def _get_repo_names(self, overlay_dirs): """Get repo names from local overlay settings.""" repo_names = [] for o in overlay_dirs: with open(os.path.join(o, "profiles/repo_name"), "r") as f: for repo_name in f: repo_names.append(repo_name.replace("\n", "")) return repo_names def _enable_overlays(self, repo_names): """Enable overlays.""" for r in repo_names: self.execute( "mkdir -p /etc/portage/repos.conf && " + "echo -e \"[%s]\\n" % str(r) + "location = /var/lib/overlays/%s\\n" % str(r) + "master = gentoo\" >> /etc/portage/repos.conf/overlays.conf" ) def _enable_test(self): """Enable test FEATURES for ATOM.""" if options.options.atom is not None:"enabling test feature for %s" % options.options.atom) self.execute("mkdir -p /etc/portage/env") for a in options.options.atom: self.execute( "echo \"%s tester.conf\" >> /etc/portage/package.env" % a) self.execute( "echo \"FEATURES=\\\"test splitdebug\\\"\" " + "> /etc/portage/env/tester.conf") else:"enabling tests skipped, no atoms specified") def _unmask_atom(self): """Unmask the atom to install.""" if options.options.atom is not None:"unmasking %s" % options.options.atom) for a in options.options.atom: if options.options.live_ebuild: unmask_keyword = "**" else: unmask_keyword = "~amd64" self.execute("mkdir -p /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords") self.execute( "echo \"" + str(a) + "\" " + unmask_keyword + " >> " + "/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/testbuild") if len(options.options.use) > 0: for a in options.options.atom: self.execute( "echo %s %s >> /etc/portage/package.use/testbuild" % (str(a), " ".join(options.options.use))) else:"no atoms to unmask") def _unmask(self): """Unmask other atoms.""""unmasking additional atoms") for a in options.options.unmask:" unmasking %s" % a) self.execute("mkdir -p /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords") self.execute( "echo \"%s\" ~amd64 >> " "/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/testbuild" % a) def _update(self): """Update container.""" if not options.options.update:"skipping update") else:"updating container") update_options = ["--verbose", "--update", "--deep", "--newuse", "--changed-deps"] self.execute("emerge " + " ".join(update_options) + " @world") def _install_basics(self): """Install some basic packages.""" if not options.options.install_basic_packages:"skipping basic packages") else:"installing basic packages: %s" % options.base_packages) self.execute("emerge --verbose %s" % " ".join(map(str, options.base_packages))) def _enable_global_use(self): """Enable global USE settings.""" if not options.options.global_use:"no global USE flags given, skipping") else:"setting global USE flags") self.execute("emerge --verbose gentoolkit") for u in options.options.global_use: self.execute("euse --enable %s" % u) def _set_gcc(self): """Set gcc in the container.""""setting gcc") if options.options.gcc_version: self.execute("mkdir -p /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords") self.execute( ("echo =sys-devel/gcc-%s ** >> " % options.options.gcc_version) + "/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/testbuild") self.execute("emerge --verbose sys-devel/gcc") gcc = re.sub("-r[0-9]+$", "", options.options.gcc_version) self.execute("gcc-config $(gcc-config --list-profiles | " + ("grep %s | " % gcc) + "sed -e 's:^.*\\[\\([0-9]\\+\\)\\].*:\\1:')") self.execute("emerge --verbose --oneshot sys-devel/libtool") def _print_summary(self): """Print summary.""""summary") self.execute( "if [[ -d /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords ]]; then " + "cat /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/*; fi") self.execute("if [[ -f /etc/portage/package.use/testbuild ]]; then " + "cat /etc/portage/package.use/testbuild; fi") self.execute("emerge --info") self.execute("qlop")